Look at this video and think if social media is encouraging vulgarity or providing new ways to protest. I am purposely not embedding this video in this blog ( you will come to know why after watching it). This video is nothing but a slap: a slap on the face of Indian culture, a slap on the image IIM-C and a slap on social media. If these girls are thinking that they are bold and did a great job by doing this and after the uploading this on youtube increased in their boldness then these poor girls are in a big mistake. They not only spoiled their image but also raised many questions. If you can not see this video on youtube (in case deleted) have a look here with a discussion.
I came to know about this video while reading webyantra. You decide whether this is the right manner or the most shameful manner you have ever seen to show rivalry.
Shameful video from IIM-C girls...

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- Shameful video from IIM-C girls...
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Seems all the girls are Orphan... there is nobody to lookafter them... no more words... just shameful !!!