Last Saturday, Mom n Dad completed their 28 years of togetherness. They came over to Noida to celebrate their 28th anniversary and it was just great. Recalling all those happy moments of past 28 years always brings a smile on our faces. Here are some pics and more you can see at Picasa.PS: One things that is great for these elderly B'days and anniversaries that in place of giving presents you get gifts :)
28 years of togetherness...
My life

- Income TAX returns
- Yana is out :(
- Reaching distances...
- Aiwe hi...
- Terrorist attacks in India...
- Shameful video from IIM-C girls...
- My experiences with firefox3!!!
- Jigsaw...
- Mobile tricks: very funny...
- Keep the Spark!! : Chetan Bhagat's Speech
- Kuldeep Dubay: the best stand-up comedian, I've ev...
- Vodafone commercials...
- 'Guest Author Contest' at
- Kung Fu Panda
- My Web...
- SCOUR: The new search engine
- T'ta Professor
- My experience at Dr. Batra's
- Slideshare world best presentation contest
- 28 years of togetherness...
- Comments for this blog...
- Bravo Pak!!!
- Amazing Photos
- Collecting Luck!!!
Congratulations to your parents!!!