Do you know someone, who never had a dream to get the moon? Probably not...
Sony encashed this concept in their new commercial for Bravia.
Dream of every child
Do your most important job first each day
Doing this one thing will make you so much more effective. There’s an interesting story about this. In the 1930’s the steel magnate Charles Schwabb had a meeting with a young entrepreneur. This young man offered to teach Schwabb a way to increase his entire company’s productivity. All he asked in return was that Schwabb pay him what he thought it was worth.
The idea? Just write down the six most important things you should do each day and do number one first, before going on to number two. After trying this incredibly basic technique for a few weeks Schwabb sent the young man a cheque for $25,000.
पिछला वर्ष : २०११

Good design for a water dispenser

Shaheed Abdul Hameed
I was watching the only sensible program India TV telecasted (A live meeting with Anna Hazare team), in which team Anna was answering the question from families of Paramveer chakra holders and others.
There was Martyr Abdul Hameed's widow in the audience (who bribed Rs. 5000/- to T.T. to travel from Vanarasi). She was very sad that Nobody did anything to make Abdul Hameed alive in memory of people (No parks, no monument, no road etc on his name). After Anna replied, suddenly an army officer stood and told her that a soldier doesn't fight for name or fame. He just fight for his nation. It's misfortune for us if we don't give him proper importance but for Indian Armed Forces, he is always a hero.
Lets keep these martyrs alive in our heart and not because of some perishable stuff.
A Girl Who Hated Wearing Glasses
This is a true story of Katie Chapin, a New York girl who absolutely hated the idea of wearing glasses but with time, she realized that glasses were a better option for her than contact lenses. This nicely-done presentation could be an inspiration for some of us who are in a similar situation.
How do people change over time
Michelangelo used to live in Bologna in those days; the pub at the corner of the lane was his favorite haunt. He used to take his bottle and sit outside. One fine day, there was a peanuts vendor sitting across the road. Everytime the vendor weighted peanuts, a few always rolled out of his basket and fell on the ground. Each time a small poor naked boy standing nearby would pick them up, put one nut in his mouth and the rest back in the basket, and then wait for the next customer. The peanuts vendor also used to give him a peanut for his help. Michelangelo was noticing this event and he bought peanuts multiple times just to watch that performance. Finally, Michelangelo used the boy as the model for the naked baby Jesus for the statue of the ‘Madonna of Brujis’.In his end days, Michelangelo was supposed to complete ‘The Last Supper’. But he drew a blank whenever he tried to imagine one face - the face of Judas he thirteenth disciple of Jesus, who had betrayed his saviour to the Romans for thirty pieces of silver. He had helped to crucify him.Michelangelo spent days and days making sketches. He searched through his old drawings and worked on them, but no face satisfied him.And then suddenly, one day he found Judas in a small, dirty pub in Rome. His eyes had unnatural glitter, he was restless and he spat again and again. His body had already begun to sag with age. He spoke so fast that words seemed to fall out of his mouth like coins from a torn pocket. He had gone to Michelangelo to beg for a dinar, but had ended up sharing a bottle with him. When Michelangelo came out of the pub, he saw the man ask someone else for two dinars.Michelangelo made a deal with the man and took him to the chapel. He told him what he wanted. He wanted him to model for Judas. That would make the man immortal. Michelangelo lifted up the drapes to show him the walls and the ceiling. The man looked at everything with awe. He asked for a large sum of money in exchange for his consent. Angelo agreed to pay him. Then the man asked for an advance which Michelangelo gave. The man came regularly for a few days. Angelo used to call him to the Chapel for sittings. One day, as the man was looking through some old sketches, he asked Michelangelo about the sketches of the child he had made in Bologna."I used to live in Bologna years ago. I used this face to paint Jesus as a child.""Do you remember his name?""Yes ... Marsoleni."That man smiled. He rolled up his sleeve and showed him a name tattooed on his arm: Marsoleni."I am the same Jesus, whom you are now painting as Judas."
Convenient Traveling in Delhi Metro

Matrubhoomi: A Nation Without Women