I was watching the only sensible program India TV telecasted (A live meeting with Anna Hazare team), in which team Anna was answering the question from families of Paramveer chakra holders and others.
There was Martyr Abdul Hameed's widow in the audience (who bribed Rs. 5000/- to T.T. to travel from Vanarasi). She was very sad that Nobody did anything to make Abdul Hameed alive in memory of people (No parks, no monument, no road etc on his name). After Anna replied, suddenly an army officer stood and told her that a soldier doesn't fight for name or fame. He just fight for his nation. It's misfortune for us if we don't give him proper importance but for Indian Armed Forces, he is always a hero.
Lets keep these martyrs alive in our heart and not because of some perishable stuff.
Simple and Short but Heart touching article. I am really impressed. Are you interested to work with us on our website(can't reveal here!). You have to write about anything (means something logical/interesting/informative etc). And ya that should be 100% original + quality content. If you wanna join us, just reply me back here. We'll discuss more later. Thanks. :)
Why have you stopped blogging, re?
what a stupidity is this
how can a new generation knows all this.we know gandhi ji coz he is in every note and his monument and in many place and that idiot rajiv is everywhere dont know what he did but his name is in every nook and corner